Cargo Client

Supported platforms

It is currently supported and maintained for the following platforms and architectures

Opertive System Architecture
Linux 2.6.23 or later with glibc amd64, 386, arm, arm64
macOS 10.11 or later amd64
Windows 7, Server 2008R2 or later amd64, 386



Cargo Client can be installed by downloading the installer and following the running steps.

Cargo Client Interactive


# cd /opt/
# wget
# tar -vxzf cargoclient-v1.linux.tar.gz


# cd /opt/
# wget
# tar -vxzf cargoclient-v1.osx.tar.gz

Running Modes

Interactive Client

The interactive client is very similar to a command line FTP client. The client mode is run as follows:

# cargoclient --mode=client --host=<url>
Cargo Client Interactive

Automatic Synchronization

The “Automatic Synchronization” run mode allows to leave the Cargo Client running and synchronize a remote folder with a local one. The synchronization mode can either upload files to a remote location or discover new files on a remote server for downloading.


# cargoclient --mode=datasync --config=nombre_archivo

Configuration File

The configuration file contains the necessary information to synchronize the folders

    "sync_name": "Name of the Job",
    "sync_mode": "download",
    "start_time": "10:00pm",
    "end_time": "12:00am",
    "local_dir": "/CagoPlay/test/",
    "remote_dir": "/",
    "username": "test",
    "password": "test",
    "speed": "10mbps",
    "hostname": "",
    "sleep": 3,
    "events": {},
  • sync_name: Free text representing the name of the Job
  • sync_mode: “download” o “upload”
  • start_time (Optional): Time when the job will start sending/receiving files
  • end_time (Optional): Time when the job will finish sending/receiving files
  • speed: Speed you will try to negotiate to send/receive files. It can be expressed in mbps, kbps or bps
  • sleep: Timeout for detecting new files
  • events (Optional): Callback configuration at start, update and end or error of a transfer.


Events are useful for integration with other systems. Each time an event is triggered, the http action specified in the configuration is performed.

  • onStart: This event is triggered at the start of a file transfer. Variables: FILE_NAME, TRANSFER_ID, SYNC_NAME, SYNC_MODE
  • onFinish: This event is triggered after the successful completion of the transfer. Variables: FILE_NAME, TRANSFER_ID, SYNC_NAME, SYNC_MODE, AVG_SPEED, DURATION, LOST_FRAMES, AVG_RTT
  • onError: This event is triggered after an unsuccessful transfer. Variables: FILE_NAME, TRANSFER_ID, SYNC_NAME, SYNC_MODE, ERROR
  • onUpdate: This event is triggered 1 time per second during the entire transfer. Variables: FILE_NAME, TRANSFER_ID, SYNC_NAME, SYNC_MODE, PROGRESS, SPEED

Adding Callbacks for Events in the Configuration

  • Supported http methods: POST, GET. The POST method requires the body configuration parameter.
  • Variables: Each event has its own variables, which can be used to set up the url as well as the body of the request
"events": {
    "onStart": {
       "method": "POST",
       "url": "",
       "body": { "foo": "{{FILE_NAME}}" }
    "onError": {
       "method": "GET",
       "url": "{{FILE_NAME}}",